Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sholat (Prayer) and the Human Brain

Rasulullah Muhammad SAW said: "Whoever is facing Allah (died), whereas he used to neglect Prayer, God does not care about bit-even his good deeds (which he has done they will be)." Tabrani History Hadith.

We pray that Brain Healthy "So establish regular Prayer because your God and sacrifice!" (QS: Al Kautsar: 2)

A proof that the limitations of the human brain can not know all the secrets of grace, favor, gift given by GOD to him.

Should we wait to get our absurd?

A Doctorate in America (Dr. Fidelma) had embraced Islam because of some miracle that the encounter in his search. He was very impressed with the invention can therefore not be accepted by reasonable minds.

He is a Doctor of Neurology. After embracing Islam he was very confident treatment of Islam and therefore it has opened a clinic called "Medicine Through the Quran" Study of Al-Quran treatment through the use of drugs that are used as found in the Qur'an. Among the fast, honey, black seed (Jadam) and so forth.

When asked how he was attracted to Islam, the Doctor is told that when the nerve studies conducted, there are few nerves in the human brain is not penetrated by blood. Though every inch of the human brain require enough blood to more normal functioning.

After making the assessment that took finally he found that blood will not enter the nerve in the brain but when someone is praying that when prostrate. Uric requires blood for a few moments only. This means that blood will enter the following levels of uric prayer time that is required by Islam. That's the greatness of God's creation.

So he who does not perform prayers then the brain can not receive enough blood to function normally. Therefore, the incidence of this man is really to embrace Islam "fully" because the nature of nature happens it has been linked by God with this beautiful religion.

In conclusion:
God who holds human beings who do not pray even if they function in a normal sense but is actually in what circumstances they will lose consideration in making decisions normally. That's no wonder this man is sometimes not hesitate to do things contrary to the nature of their common occurrence even know who will do these things is not in accordance with their will because the brain is not able to consider In more normal.

So no wonder arise various social phenomena Society today.

Reference: National Geographic 2002 Road to Mecca
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Monday, September 27, 2010

Wudlu (Ablution) Wisdom Research

by Yahdillah

Wudlu (Ablution) is one of the Islamic Shari'a. Broke Allah commanded the Muslims to cleanse themselves or wudlu, before establishing the five daily prayers. (Surat Al-Ma'idah [5]: 6).

Because, wudlu is one of the conditions of recei pt of worship prayer by God. "God will not accept the prayer someone among you, until he perform wudlu." (Bukhari No. 135, and Muslims No. 224-225).

In general, the purpose of wudlu is to cleanse o urselves from unclean hadats and attached to the body. Like urine, feces, saliva, dogs, pigs, wadzi, alike, and others. Behind the goal, contained a very deep meaning. Wudlu is not just for cleanliness, but also healthy, both physically and psychologically (mental), both physical and spiritual health.

World of medical science has proven efficacy wudlu. Behind the worship that is simple, inexpensive, and easy, even sometimes considered trivial, it contained extraordinary wisdom. Wudlu save many amazing miracles. In fact, how many people who converted to Islam, because Islam teaches cleanliness of worship called wudlu.

Nothing wrong if God requires that the Shari'a wudlu since 14 centuries ago on the Muslims. It contains the wisdom and benefits are very large. In fact, if someone perform and do wudu properly, surely the body will remain healthy and avoid the various attacks of disease. Both the skin disease, asthma, cancer, colds, sinusitis, migraine, scabies, ringworm, and so forth.

World health sciences recognize various methods and prevention of disease. In fact, thousands of years ago, Chinese medical science of acupuncture familiar with the term, namely a method of health by means of needling. There are thousands of points that must be pierced with a finger, if you want to get vibrant health. And do not easily learn the dots, because the number reached 4000-5000 period.

After acupuncture, reflexology treatment appears then, that suppress the body's nerve dots located on the feet and hands. The number of reflection points in the feet and hands it to reach hundreds more.

In 1997, the method of reflection and akunpunktur considered a very complicated method, because of the many points that must be understood and memorize. So, a doctor named Gary Craig, the British, making modifications acupuncture technique that amounted to thousands it to 18 points. He called the theory of acupuncture-style modification is the name of Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). The technique used for treatment is to knock (tapping).

Then in the 2000s, EFT was developed again by Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin, an alumnus of the University of Airlangga (Airlangga University), Surabaya with the name of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT). The technique used also by knocking (tapping). And the number of dots that diketok was only 14. Named SEFT because it combines elements of prayer and Thayyibah sentence in this technique.

Command clean themselves or purification ritual, actually also taught in other religions. The Jews also perform wudu (wudlu or similar) and to clean themselves before praying to Allah. Similarly in Christianity and Catholicism. It is written clearly in Exodus, Genesis, Deuteronomy, and others. In fact, the doctrine of the Sabians (Shabiin), namely the followers of Prophet Yahya AS, they also perform wudlu before prayer. Prayers of the Sabian is facing the north pole.

Therefore, the wudlu which is often considered trivial, is actually a Shari'a which should and must be done. Unfortunately, many people do not do it well and properly. In fact, in a number of hadith, Prophet Muhammad ordered Muslims to refine wudhunya. "Perfect wudhumu, for I (Messenger-Red) will recognize you on the Day of Judgement from the former wudhunya."
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