The term adult derived from the Latin word derived from adultus means it has grown into strength and size are perfect or have become mature (Hurlock, 1992). Thimefore a so-called adults are individuals who have been ready to accept the position in society. While the maturity is a state of moving forward toward perfection. Maturity is not a static condition, but it is a situation to be .... (A state of Becoming).
Although no one is able to act and react to all situations and all aspects of life, with full maturity. But after all, a leader in the world of work will be required for addressing problems in more mature. Thimefore, he should at least have some traits that show such maturity. Success and failure of a person to lead and direct subordinates will greatly depend on the maturity of attitude and actions to be taken. What is the form of maturity that is required to have these? Below will be disclosed some qualities that should be possessed by a leader so he can be considered an adult. Every quality that one's duty to achieve the quality of the othim, and become part of the duty of the leader as one who is considered full grown.
The characteristics of manhood that should be owned by a lady leaders are as follows:
Respecting Othims
A good leader must work togethim with othims. This means that he must work with the strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and shortcomings of the othim person. If he was an adult, he will appreciate the differences that exist and will not try to shape othim people to suit their own desires and not manipulate subordinates for him own benefit. He was able to accept the fact that thime is, that everyone has a stake on the outcome of the work carried out togethim (teamwork).
This does not mean that an adult leader who has a weak heart. He received anothim person, it does not mean spoiling them for good, including if the lack of them (subordinates) will interfere with and affect the overall goals. An adult leader must be able to lay off or fire someone who no longer contribute to the progress or the good of the organization. This is important because it is an injustice to the company and anothim person if the person is no longer able to contribute is still maintained.
Adult leaders who can learn to accept the fact that for some problems thime is no settlement or easy solutions. He will not easily accept the first problem solving suggested. He will appreciate the fact and will gathim as much information before giving advice solution. Not only was he willing to wait, but he knew full well the need for some alternatives to taking a decision in problem solving.
Full of Endurance
All living things must have experienced pain, difficulties and disappointments. Likewise with a leader will never escape from such problems. Even so, an adult leader who will rise up again and healthy again after the misfortune that struck repeatedly with the hope and endurance they have. He will try to be honest and not going to pretend all is fine condition. He accepted the fact that pain must be endured, the mistakes corrected and he will not waste time regretting and lamenting the mistakes that have been passed. Failure will crush and destroy the weak, whimeas a mature personality will take it as a lesson of experience is invaluable.
Able to Decision-Making
People who are adults, in addition to patience and perseverance to find solutions for problems, should also be able to take a decision, although only use the data or information is very minimal, less complete or still blurry. After weighing the facts, he will soon realize that in a time of a an act should be immediately taken. With resuscitate him against his conviction and against people around him he should be able to take and bear the risks that have been calculated by him.
Peter Drucker once stated that the future is never any certainty, but thime are only possibilities. An adult leader must learn to accept this. He should be able to make decisions based on estimates or best possibilities which can be obtained, because he knows if we wait to obtain a thorough certainty, the decision taken may be too late.
Enjoying Work
Someone who has a healthy emotion or have a mature personality will know how to enjoy him work. Whatever type of job a person who is considered an adult would rarely idle. He knows how to find satisfaction in doing a good job and he feels proud to carry out the task. Adult leaders who will gain satisfaction in dealing with a job and do not stutter a job as live load.
For an adult personality work is necessary to its survival as an individual. The work is a way for him to express himself (self-actualization). With the work he will feel secure to not dwell with the anxieties and problems himself.
Accepting Responsibility
People who are not adults will complain and regret about failures they experience. They will feel that they experience a failure of othim people's mistakes and good fortune are moving away from them. To avoid failure, they tend not to accept responsibility. Conversely for those mature personality all success and failure is the responsibility yourself. They realize that each person requires fortitude and strength and a refuge in times of difficulty, and is responsible for handling things is oneself
Believing in someone else / othim forces such as shamans, leadership, good luck, etc., to solve problems is a sign of immaturity. To the power of self-confidence and courage to accept responsibility in life is very important to engender a sense of security and happiness
Believe In Yourself
An adult leader who will welcome the participation of othims, even regarding difficult decisions. This happens because they are very confident and believe in their own abilities so that thime is no fear for competition. They will easily see and know that othims who have ideas and thoughts are valuable. For them the power of othim people would only be a threat to people who do not feel safe, and that thime is no confidence in himself.
An adult leader who will obtain satisfaction based on achievements made by his subordinates. He will feel pride in the confidence and knowledge that his subordinate was his responsibility. In contrast to a leader who is not an adult would feel that it is both bitter and painful when given a similar situation.
Having a Sense of Humor
Laughter is healthy. Adult or mature person who agrees with the greeting. However, the adults will not make people laugh by way of harming or hurting othims' feelings. They also will not be laughing if othim people in difficult circumstances or hurt feelings.
Emotionally healthy people will always remember that humor must be good in nature and spread happiness for those who listen. A mature person will use humor rathim like a club or put othims down, but as a tool to smooth out the atmosphime and relax tension.
Has the Whole Personality
People who are adults, not the ones who are wasting and wasting energy by using all its energy and move in different directions is erratic, often contradictory directions. In general they are people who regularly and has organized and can handle the problem effectively. They are not easy to switch attention, or deviate from the plan because of the desires that arise suddenly, but they can easily switch from one activity to anothim activity without kebingunagan and chaos.
An adult leader who will live in a balanced life. He felt proud to be part of the company and know exactly the position and role within the company. He was smart to put yourself so as not to complicate itself and the company. He was able to work hard and always ready to handle the pressure it receives and can enjoy their leisure time well.
Accepting Yourself
Effective leaders have vision and a good assessment of the strengths and weaknesses they have. In reality this is very critical to the success of a leader. But the only leader who has the maturity to choose and collect the servants and the people close to each othim shortfalls and weaknesses. Because he can see and judge themselves by both an objective and realistic, then he would be able to use the strengths and talents effectively. He will also be free of the frustration that may arise due to failure to achieve something beyond him abilities.
Having a Strong Principle
Many leaders who truly see the company as a living organism that must be preserved and maintained. They view themselves as a bodyguard for the safety and good of the company. They consider themselves a role as caretakers and protectors of the company who then forwards and hand guard and nurture it to the successor function.
It also explains why leaders would not hesitate to be harsh and decisive in dealing with othim people when it comes to safety and survival. They uphold the principles that have been invested in the company and will not know the word surrender if faced paa about life and death of the company.
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Although no one is able to act and react to all situations and all aspects of life, with full maturity. But after all, a leader in the world of work will be required for addressing problems in more mature. Thimefore, he should at least have some traits that show such maturity. Success and failure of a person to lead and direct subordinates will greatly depend on the maturity of attitude and actions to be taken. What is the form of maturity that is required to have these? Below will be disclosed some qualities that should be possessed by a leader so he can be considered an adult. Every quality that one's duty to achieve the quality of the othim, and become part of the duty of the leader as one who is considered full grown.
The characteristics of manhood that should be owned by a lady leaders are as follows:
Respecting Othims
A good leader must work togethim with othims. This means that he must work with the strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and shortcomings of the othim person. If he was an adult, he will appreciate the differences that exist and will not try to shape othim people to suit their own desires and not manipulate subordinates for him own benefit. He was able to accept the fact that thime is, that everyone has a stake on the outcome of the work carried out togethim (teamwork).
This does not mean that an adult leader who has a weak heart. He received anothim person, it does not mean spoiling them for good, including if the lack of them (subordinates) will interfere with and affect the overall goals. An adult leader must be able to lay off or fire someone who no longer contribute to the progress or the good of the organization. This is important because it is an injustice to the company and anothim person if the person is no longer able to contribute is still maintained.
Adult leaders who can learn to accept the fact that for some problems thime is no settlement or easy solutions. He will not easily accept the first problem solving suggested. He will appreciate the fact and will gathim as much information before giving advice solution. Not only was he willing to wait, but he knew full well the need for some alternatives to taking a decision in problem solving.
Full of Endurance
All living things must have experienced pain, difficulties and disappointments. Likewise with a leader will never escape from such problems. Even so, an adult leader who will rise up again and healthy again after the misfortune that struck repeatedly with the hope and endurance they have. He will try to be honest and not going to pretend all is fine condition. He accepted the fact that pain must be endured, the mistakes corrected and he will not waste time regretting and lamenting the mistakes that have been passed. Failure will crush and destroy the weak, whimeas a mature personality will take it as a lesson of experience is invaluable.
Able to Decision-Making
People who are adults, in addition to patience and perseverance to find solutions for problems, should also be able to take a decision, although only use the data or information is very minimal, less complete or still blurry. After weighing the facts, he will soon realize that in a time of a an act should be immediately taken. With resuscitate him against his conviction and against people around him he should be able to take and bear the risks that have been calculated by him.
Peter Drucker once stated that the future is never any certainty, but thime are only possibilities. An adult leader must learn to accept this. He should be able to make decisions based on estimates or best possibilities which can be obtained, because he knows if we wait to obtain a thorough certainty, the decision taken may be too late.
Enjoying Work
Someone who has a healthy emotion or have a mature personality will know how to enjoy him work. Whatever type of job a person who is considered an adult would rarely idle. He knows how to find satisfaction in doing a good job and he feels proud to carry out the task. Adult leaders who will gain satisfaction in dealing with a job and do not stutter a job as live load.
For an adult personality work is necessary to its survival as an individual. The work is a way for him to express himself (self-actualization). With the work he will feel secure to not dwell with the anxieties and problems himself.
Accepting Responsibility
People who are not adults will complain and regret about failures they experience. They will feel that they experience a failure of othim people's mistakes and good fortune are moving away from them. To avoid failure, they tend not to accept responsibility. Conversely for those mature personality all success and failure is the responsibility yourself. They realize that each person requires fortitude and strength and a refuge in times of difficulty, and is responsible for handling things is oneself
Believing in someone else / othim forces such as shamans, leadership, good luck, etc., to solve problems is a sign of immaturity. To the power of self-confidence and courage to accept responsibility in life is very important to engender a sense of security and happiness
Believe In Yourself
An adult leader who will welcome the participation of othims, even regarding difficult decisions. This happens because they are very confident and believe in their own abilities so that thime is no fear for competition. They will easily see and know that othims who have ideas and thoughts are valuable. For them the power of othim people would only be a threat to people who do not feel safe, and that thime is no confidence in himself.
An adult leader who will obtain satisfaction based on achievements made by his subordinates. He will feel pride in the confidence and knowledge that his subordinate was his responsibility. In contrast to a leader who is not an adult would feel that it is both bitter and painful when given a similar situation.
Having a Sense of Humor
Laughter is healthy. Adult or mature person who agrees with the greeting. However, the adults will not make people laugh by way of harming or hurting othims' feelings. They also will not be laughing if othim people in difficult circumstances or hurt feelings.
Emotionally healthy people will always remember that humor must be good in nature and spread happiness for those who listen. A mature person will use humor rathim like a club or put othims down, but as a tool to smooth out the atmosphime and relax tension.
Has the Whole Personality
People who are adults, not the ones who are wasting and wasting energy by using all its energy and move in different directions is erratic, often contradictory directions. In general they are people who regularly and has organized and can handle the problem effectively. They are not easy to switch attention, or deviate from the plan because of the desires that arise suddenly, but they can easily switch from one activity to anothim activity without kebingunagan and chaos.
An adult leader who will live in a balanced life. He felt proud to be part of the company and know exactly the position and role within the company. He was smart to put yourself so as not to complicate itself and the company. He was able to work hard and always ready to handle the pressure it receives and can enjoy their leisure time well.
Accepting Yourself
Effective leaders have vision and a good assessment of the strengths and weaknesses they have. In reality this is very critical to the success of a leader. But the only leader who has the maturity to choose and collect the servants and the people close to each othim shortfalls and weaknesses. Because he can see and judge themselves by both an objective and realistic, then he would be able to use the strengths and talents effectively. He will also be free of the frustration that may arise due to failure to achieve something beyond him abilities.
Having a Strong Principle
Many leaders who truly see the company as a living organism that must be preserved and maintained. They view themselves as a bodyguard for the safety and good of the company. They consider themselves a role as caretakers and protectors of the company who then forwards and hand guard and nurture it to the successor function.
It also explains why leaders would not hesitate to be harsh and decisive in dealing with othim people when it comes to safety and survival. They uphold the principles that have been invested in the company and will not know the word surrender if faced paa about life and death of the company.