From the slab form, brain growth in the fetal will continue to grow. Peak during pregnancy between four months to six months. Good nutrition and supported psychologically unstable mother who will form the baby's brain cells. The more brain cells grow, the more intelligent the child is created. For that, during pregnancy, Mom prohibited stress because it will be affect the development of brain cells formation.
After the baby is born, the brain cells must be stimulated so that more connective tissue-forming cells of the brain. Period of stimulation is very important done early. Children who lack brain stimulation had no connective tissue.
Problem of early stimulation must be considered, so that parents know their children progress. Therefore, there is a critical period. At that time, the growth of a child's brain is not growing and not growing. This critical period is a period in a child's brain growth. When you get interference, would result in children experiencing developmental abnormalities are permanent and difficult to cure.
If interference is known from an early age, can still be carried out remedial measures. However, if the detection of late, is feared to be deformed beyond. Because brain growth is only until the age of the child is six years. Share this post :