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Autism comes from the word auto which means alone. The term autism was first introduced by Leo Kanner in 1943, is the picture that persons with autism fun and seemed to be in his own world.
Autism is a developmental disorder marked delay in the process of cognitive development, concentration, behavior, language, motor, social and emotional. Children with autism are difficult to make eye contact with others, they are more interested in objects than people.
A child with autism is more fun with her toys rather than join playing with friends / family. Behavior of some children with autism such as babbling, echoing others, perform repetitive motor movements (such as, hand flaping), self-injury, or even hurt others, have a limited interest / monotonous and hyperactivity.
The cause of autism is not known with certainty, but several theories put forward several factors ranging from genetics (heredity), fungal and viral infections, nutritional and oxygen deficiencies, air pollution, water and food during pregnancy may inhibit the growth of the baby's brain cells which in turn allows the occurrence of autism.
Anatomically children with autism have abnormalities in brain development so that the process distracted/stunted. Anatomical abnormalities in children with autism is a medical science can not be cured, but with some of the therapies children with autism have the possibility to evolve into a better direction.
With some expected some behavioral therapy is considered an autistic child can be reduced and handled strangely, one of them with behavior therapy (behavior therapy). Behavioral therapies implemented to educate and develop the behavioral skills of children stunted and to reduce unnatural behaviors and replace it with acceptable behavior in society.
Behavioral therapy is the foundation for autistic children who have not adherent (eye contact and have not been able to sit independently). Basic program / key adherence therapy is a train that will be required to follow the child when other therapies such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy.
Method of ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis), is a method of behavior therapy that has a characteristic structured, directed and scalable making it easier for therapists or parents to monitor children's development. ABA methods are often called the Lovaas method because it was found by O. Ivar Lovaas, PhD, an American psychologist.
The goal of ABA is a method of changing behavior, and behavior that is targeted is always selected and considered to improve the quality of life. Behavioral norms adapted to the existing norms and prevailing in society.
ABA implementation techniques using an individualized approach / one by one, where every single child is handled by one therapist and, if necessary accompanied by prompting workers (who help the child direct the therapist-directed behavior). Teaching takes the principles of ABA and respondents Conditioning Operant conditioning, where the desired behavior or not desirable can be controlled / shaped by reward and punishment system. If the desired behavior appears the child got a gift and if the behavior that appears undesirable then the kids get punished.
The program was given during therapy compliance (eye contact and can sit while studying), receptive language, expressive language, pre-academic and self help. This program will be tailored to the circumstances / ability of children. That is why observations are needed prior to a child before undergoing therapy.
Recommended time in ABA therapy is 40 hours / week. The success of this therapy is also influenced by: 1. Degree of severity of autism, 2. Age of child when first handled, 3. The intensity of therapy, 4. Methods of therapy, 5. IQ of children, 6. Language skills, 7. Behavioral problems, 8. Participation of parents and the environment.