Monday, April 18, 2011

Activate Ability Brain and Metaphysics with Method Audio Listening

Brain Wave Therapy or Brain Activation with audio is a phenomenal discovery in health and technology. In Indonesia today, it is a discovery and the news is very proud because the maximum use of the brain has to be applied in our beloved country. The theory of brain activation in fact has been widely applied in many countries in Europe and Asia. In Asia alone has more people with the way their brains activated Brain Wave Therapy that have been proven to have better ability than people who are not in brain activation. 

Brain activation using audio as a therapy to reprogram the subconscious brain in humans is not something magical or supernatural smells. Brain activation has been tested scientifically. Brain Wave Therapy is much use Alpha brain waves. Alpha and Theta brain waves proved scientifically in the brain waves that appear dominant when we are in a relaxed state and the most creative. These brain waves are dominant at the time we wake up, or in a relaxed state when relaxed. 

Based on the greatest scientific discovery by American scientists, Dr.Mihaly, now has a presence in Indonesia DVD audio is programmed with specific frequencies to be harmonized with the brain and the human subconscious in order to raise the ability of the human brain is extraordinary and you've never imagined before if Your brain may be a genius. 

Binaural Beat Frequency is the frequency generated through complex mathematical calculations that can interfere and stimulate brain waves to enter a state of "trance" (theta frequency). Binaural Beat Frequency has a strong influence, even stronger than the influence of Classical music in stimulating the human brain waves into a particular frequency, such as alpha, theta and delta. 

By aligning the brain waves at certain frequencies then we will be able to or could have the power of the mind which is very useful for our daily lives in specific sound frequencies can affect one's circumstances. If someone who set his brain waves contain more frequency delta (0.1 to 4 cps), delta brain waves with rekwensi tersebuat can act as a "radar" that underlie intiusi work, empathy and actions are instinctive. Delta also help achieve the highest level of awareness and policy. 

DVD audio has been diprogam with a special frequency to align our brainwaves to the frequency of alpha, theta and delta. By listening to Binaural Beat Frequency Audio System that stimulates the brain that respond to parts of the brain that serves as a center for health & human intuition abilities such as: energy generating body (kundalini / chakra / aura / chi), improving IQ and EQ, generate creativity, sharpen eyes inner, Terawangan future / present / past, meraga soul, enhancing sexual power, lose weight, increase the ability of the brain to the maximum, etc.. 

Use of Brain Wave Therapy is very easy and practical, just listen to DVD audio through the headphones use a computer, or MP3 player to listen to this Audio - + 30 minutes every day for about 1 week. The success of this therapy depends on the intention, suggestion, and the ability of your brain, each person has different abilities. But with a great spirit you certainly can and will feel a remarkable change in your life that will be useful in everyday life. 
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