Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Treatments of ADHD

Although there is no known cure for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), there are several options that can help them effectively manage the symptoms of space. Treatments range from behavioral interventions of prescription drugs. Although research has found that medication alone is an effective way to treat ADHD, a large study by the National Institutes of Mental Health has found that a combined approach to drug therapy and behavior therapy in collaboration with the most useful for patients to manage well.

ADHD drugs

The survey of major national health of children adopted in 2003, some 2.5 million young people aged four to 17 years (56 percent of those diagnosed) had received medication for ADHD. Drug use is higher among children with ADHD who are 9 and 12. Medications are often an important and difficult reality for parents of children with ADHD. To find out which medications are safe and suitable for you or your child, be sure to investigate and discuss the information with your doctor and / or health care professional.

Central nervous system stimulants

Central Nervous System (CNS) stimulants are the most commonly prescribed class of drugs against ADHD. Although researchers do not know exactly how these medicines, it is believed that the balance of the central nervous system stimulant in the levels of certain neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) such as dopamine, which can be unstable in patients ADHD. CNS stimulants come in a variety of forms, including pill, capsule, liquid, and plaster, and they can also come in varieties of short-acting, long acting or extended release. Long-acting or sustained release forms are often the cause of a child taking the medication once a day before school, they saw no need to travel daily to the nurse school for a dose of the afternoon. Parents and doctors should decide together what medicine is best for the child and the child needs medication during school hours or evenings and weekends only way.

CNS stimulants are common:

* Stimulants based amphetamine (Adderall, Dexedrine, Dextrostat)

* Dextromethamphetamine (Desoxyn)

* Dextromethylphenidate (Focalin)

* Methylphenidate (Concerta, Daytrana, Date Meta, Ritalin)

Nonstimulant drugs

Stimulant medication is often not taken into account when stimulants do not work or caused unacceptable side effects. Non-stimulant medication used to treat ADHD include:

* Atomoxetine (Strattera)

Medications for blood pressure (such as guanfacine, trademark Intuniv)

* Antidepressants

* Atypical antipsychotics

Learn more about these medications for ADHD, including side effects.

The therapeutic treatment of ADHD


Psychotherapy can be helpful, especially in children slightly larger, to get a child to open his feelings to cope with ADHD. ADHD can cause problems with authority figures and colleagues, psychotherapy can help your child with these relationships correctly. Psychotherapy, the child may also examine your behavior and learn how to make the right choices in advance. Family therapy can be an excellent place to understand how best to work through destructive behavior.

Behavioral therapy

Behavioral therapy (BT) attempts to teach children better control their behavior and change these behaviors appropriately. Often, the child and the child's parents and / or teacher (s) will work together to develop strategies to deal with certain situations and behaviors that result. This often involves a type of information directly to the children learn appropriate behavior, for example, a system of rewards reason might be designed to reinforce positive behaviors.

Social Skills Training

Social skills training can sometimes be useful if your child has significant problems operating in social settings. Like BT, social skills training is most appropriate to teach new behaviors, particularly those that can help a child with ADHD play and work better with others. For example, a therapist may try to teach behaviors such as taking turns, sharing toys, asking for help, or face ridicule.

Support Groups

Support groups are great for helping parents connect with others who may share similar experiences, concerns and successes with children with ADHD. Ideally, support groups meet regularly to relationships and support networks can be built. Know that we are not alone in the treatment of ADHD can be a strength of mind, great. Support groups can also be an excellent resource for expert advice and practical strategies, especially if you are a parent of a child newly diagnosed with ADHD.


This course provides the tools and techniques for parents to understand and manage the behavior of your child. Some techniques may include:

* A system of points or other means to make a rewarding job or just

* How to use a timeout when the child becomes too unruly or out of control. For some children, out of a stressful situation or stimulants can also help you learn to respond appropriately the next time you get up.

* To find time each week to share an enjoyable activity or relaxation. Meanwhile, a parent should look for opportunities to point out that the child is doing well and praise its strengths and capabilities.

* Structuring situations in a way that allows the child to find success. For example, allowing only one or two playmates at a time, so that the child does not receive stimulation.

* The stress management techniques such as meditation, relaxation techniques and exercise

Behavioral interventions for home and school


One of the biggest concerns of parents of children with ADHD is the success of your child to school, many of them based on the organization of a skill that many children with ADHD struggle. Simple interventions such as those listed below may be helpful.

* Schedule. Set the same routine every day, from sunrise to sunset, including the duties and playtime. Post the calendar in a visible place where a change to do is make as much ahead as possible.

* Organize everyday items. Clothing, backpacks, school supplies and toys All items must be identified, clearly marked space.

* Use homework and notebook organizers. Emphasize writing tasks and bring home something to complete homework.

* Ask for a computer course. For some children with ADHD, handwriting is another obstacle on the road to success. See if your teacher allows the computer to use in teaching.

Positive reinforcement

Children with ADHD often receive, and then begin to expect criticism from authority figures. If they get a negative feedback ever heard good things about themselves, they begin to think of themselves as "poor." If the rules are followed, and the behavior is good even in seemingly insignificant, small prizes and give praise to improve a child's self-esteem and reinforce good behavior significantly.

Extracurricular Activities

Children with ADHD are often very well, like art class, music lessons or dance, or martial arts classes for the energy can be channeled into creative and productive. These activities can be a source of positive reward children with ADHD and may also contribute to mental discipline. Find out what your child is interested, but please do not force anything.

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